The PSC Library is open M-W 8am-8pm and Th-F 8am-4:30pm. PSC Librarians are available through the "Chat Now" button or via email at

PSC Library Newsletter

PSC Library Newsletter


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Fall semester hours

Monday - Wednesday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Thursday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Reference chat will be available:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

What’s new updated: Election Research Guide

Tuesday, November 8th is Election Day in Illinois. Remember that this is also a state holiday, and the college is closed. To prepare you for the occasion, and help you avoid misinformation, we have a research guide for the 2022 election. Hoosiers, we have your back too, because this research guide also covers Indiana.

How to chit-chat with the librarians

Did you know that the library has a chat feature staffed by degreed librarians? The library offers chat Monday-Thursday, 8-8 and Friday 8-4:30. Feel free to ask us anything and everything. Faculty- please demonstrate this in your classes to show students how easy it is to get in touch with us.

Something new: One Book, One College

In the Spring ‘23 semester, the PSC library will host a traveling exhibition called The Americans and the Holocaust. Lots of programming will accompany the event, which will be open to the campus. We would like to launch a One Book, One College program across the campus, with everyone reading the same book at the same time. If you are a faculty member interested in helping, please fill out this Google form.

Librarian Watercooler: the library as learning commons

Maybe you’ve noticed, but libraries have changed a great deal since your childhood. Gone are the card catalogs, although you might still find one in a basement corner. Gone are journals (Lewis) as well since space is precious and they are available through any library’s online collections. Libraries still have books of course, but the bulk of our collection is now available online through eresources.

Our patrons (that’s you) are using our collections differently, and we have adapted by changing the way we use our space. In the past 15~ years, many libraries have adapted to the library learning commons model. Rather than thinking of libraries as a space for quiet and solitude, “The learning commons model is defined as a "one-stop shop" for intellectual learning, writing, science research, and technical support” (Xiao). This means libraries become campus hubs of activity that serve students, no matter what their needs. Libraries are spaces for group work and instruction, but also fun.

It has been challenging to translate this to our space. Our library was built with a different paradigm in mind and has older furniture and setup. We are trying to transform our space to keep up with the way people actually use libraries in 2022.To get more students into our space, we are offering study rooms again. These can be booked through our website or from the circulation desk on a first come, first served basis. From our homepage, click, “BOOK STUDY ROOMS ONLINE” and you’ll be directed to a page to book a study room. We also have a quiet study room that is always open, no appointment needed.

Finally, stay tuned as we reimagine our space with zones for group study and quiet study. In the future, these zones will be indicated with signs. Hopefully, 2023 will bring us some new furniture to further change the space into a true learning commons.

Lewis, David W. (2007 January 26). A Model for Academic Libraries, 2005 to 2025 [Paper presentation].Visions of Change, California State University,

Xiao, J. (2022). Research on the Impact of Optimal Configuration of University Library Layout on Students’ Academic Literacy Development Based on 5G. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1–10.

Featured eBooks

It is the time of the semester students start writing research papers and working their way through the writing process. November is also National Novel Writing Month, therefore this month’s book display (and ebooks below) feature books on writing, and the writing process.

Cover: Writing Down the Bones

Writing Down the Bones

Natalie Goldberg

Cover: How to Write a Business Plan

How to Write a Business Plan

Michael P. Griffin

Cover: How to Write a Minor Thesis

How to Write a Minor Thesis

Paul Gruba and Justin Zobel

Cover: How to Write Well: A Guide for Health and Social Care Students

How to Write Well

June Keeling, et. al.

Cover: On Writing

On Writing

Stephen King

Cover: How to Write One Song

How to Write One Song

Jeff Tweedy

Cover: How to Write a Lab Report

How to Write a Lab Report

Nel Yomtov

Cover: How to Write a Memoir

How to Write a Memoir

Nel Yomtov

Lastly, the library is here for you; reach out with any questions at Ask a Librarian!